Excellence in Mathematics
Here at Kingmoor Nursery and Infant School, we are determined that by the time children leave our school, they will be fluent and confident mathematicians and proficient problem solvers. See our curriculum pages for details on our maths curriculum.
Maths leaders in our school are Miss Adamson and Miss Vaughan who both work closely with the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) Maths Hub work groups as part of a collaborative approach to enhance Maths teaching. As a school, we have participated in the Developing, Embedding and Sustaining Maths Mastery projects over the last four years.
Both of our maths leaders are qualified Accredited NCETM Professional Development Leads for maths. Miss Vaughan is a Primary Mastery Specialist who is employed by the Maths Hub. She supports other schools in developing a mastery approach to teaching maths.
What is a Professional Development Lead?
A PD Lead is a professional who:
- Seeks to develop the knowledge of models of CPD for maths teachers.
- Considers the themes and issues in teaching maths and the implications of these in supporting others.
- Designs a professional development programme, delivers it and evaluates it.
- Increases their own subject knowledge and professional practice.
What is a Primary Mastery Specialist?
- Mastery Specialists are classroom practitioners who develop expertise in the mastery approach to teaching maths.
- Through rigorous and interactive training, they become experts in introducing and embedding mastery.
- After first developing a mastery approach in their own classrooms, they go on to support colleagues in their own and other schools.
Aims of the Maths Hub:
- To help schools lead improvement in mathematics education in England.
- To harness all the maths leadership and expertise within an area, to develop and spread excellent practice, for the benefit of all pupils and students.
For further information visit the NCETM website: