Transferable role play
‘Transferable role play
We have a designated role play provision for children to explore with domestic play being a common theme. Role play often makes its way into the other areas of provision, which we encourage.
We have spaces within the room that are set aside for children to use as they wish, they are not set up or filled with furniture and resources. They are a blank canvas for children to use as they please. Children in our setting particularly enjoy using these spaces to set up their own play scenarios, transporting resources from the role play area and other areas of provision.
We love how our children take ownership of these areas and adapt them to their play needs. A popular choice of play at the moment for the children is setting up their own picnic area. The children don’t have access to themed dressing up costumes, but they do have access to lots of props such as hats, scarfs, materials, sunglasses, telephone handsets, ceramic tea sets, bags, clothes that encourage zipping and fastening skills and of course loose parts of every nature. We find that the more diverse the resources the more diverse the play becomes.’