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At Kingmoor Nursery and Infant School, we follow the CUSP (Curriculum Unity Schools Partnership) History curriculum which is built around the principles of evidence-based practice. The structure is built around the principles of advancing cumulative knowledge, chronology, change through cause and consequence, as well as making connections within and throughout periods of time studied. Our children study a broad range of historical themes beginning with a focus on the past experiences in children's own lives and then people, places and events in the local community. Our curriculum draws upon prior learning as new content is taught. In Key Stage One, children draw on historical knowledge of the local area to learn about and make connections with life in other places in Britain at a similar time. 


Our History curriculum is planned so that the retention of knowledge is much more than just ‘in the moment knowledge’. The cumulative nature of the curriculum is made memorable by the implementation of Bjork’s desirable difficulties, including retrieval and spaced retrieval practice, word building and deliberate practice tasks. This powerful interrelationship between structure and research-led practice is designed to increase substantive knowledge and accelerate learning within and between study modules. That means the foundational knowledge of the curriculum is positioned to ease the load on the working memory: new content is connected to prior learning. The effect of this cumulative model supports opportunities for children to associate and connect with significant periods of time, people, places and events. Our History curriculum strategically incorporates a range of modules that revisit, elaborate and sophisticate key concepts, events, people and places.



High quality teaching and learning in History at Kingmoor Nursery and Infant School will inspire curiosity about the past and gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and the wider world.


We aim for pupils to develop;

  • A strong History schema within their long-term memory.
  • An enjoyment and appreciation for learning about the past.
  • Skills to interpret and investigate evidence from the past.
  • A historical vocabulary through which they can discuss and convey information.
  • A good understanding of chronology and passing of time.
  • A good understanding of historical concepts such an continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity and difference and be able to use these concepts to make connections and conclusions. 
  • Knowledge about past events, people and places within the local area and wider Britain and how these events have changed Britain today. 




In Nursery children learn about their lives, families and their own past experiences, in Reception they learn about the lives of people around them and their roles in society. In Nursery children know how they were different when they were babies and in Reception this is built upon with knowledge of how they and their lives are different.  

Children in EYFS are taught similarities and differences between people, places and events in the past and now, drawing on their experiences and what they have been taught. Settings, characters and events encountered in books read to them help them to understand the past.

CUSP History draws upon prior learning, wherever the content is taught. For example, in the EYFS, pupils may learn about the past and present through daily activities, exploring through change, and understanding more about the lives of others through books and visitors as well as their own experiences. These experiences are drawn upon and used to position new learning in KS1.



 In Key Stage 1, History is taught through modules which are organised into blocks of learning. These are taught through weekly lessons for 3 half terms of the school year. Each module begins with a big idea or key question, which is carefully planned to activate key knowledge and build upon prior learning to develop deeper learning and retention of knowledge. Lessons in each module are planned in a sequential manner, enabling pupils to build on knowledge and with a focus on revisiting and remembering key knowledge and facts. (See planning progression document below). Pupils examine and revisit key substantive knowledge such as knowledge, power and community and build on their understanding of these through each module from the lesson content and vocabulary taught. Disciplinary knowledge and skills are also taught and revisited through each topic enabling pupils to develop their ability to think and act like a historian. 


Specific and associated historical vocabulary is planned sequentially and cumulatively from Y1 to Year 2. High frequency, multiple meaning words (Tier 2) are taught alongside and help make sense of subject specific words (Tier 3). This historical vocabulary is taught alongside each module of learning. Pupils are taught to use this vocabulary in topical discussions and they revisit it frequently within and across topics. 



Teachers support and enrich learning within the classroom through trips and visitors, for example, visiting Carlisle Castle, Tullie House and visits from people within the community. This is seen as an important aspect of our History curriculum as it provides a unique historical context for pupils to have a first-hand experience of observing and handling evidence from the past. Teachers also have access to a range of resources from Tullie House Museum through their loan service which can be used to support teaching and learning opportunities within school.


Mental Health and Wellbeing

At our school we: 

  • help children to understand their emotions and feelings better
  • help children feel comfortable sharing any concerns or worries
  • help children socially to form and maintain relationships.
  • promote self esteem and ensure children know that they count.
  •  encourage children to be confident and unique
  • help children to develop emotional resilience and to manage setbacks. 
  • Provide children with opportunities to build skills and habits which contribute to good Mental Health and wellbeing.
  • Provide Pupil, staff and families with a safe, secure, reliable and accepting environment .
  • Provide staff with the emotional support and flexibility required to enable a positive working environment.

We promote a mentally healthy environment through:

  • Promoting our school values and encouraging a sense of belonging.
  • Promoting pupil, parent and staff voice  resulting in opportunities to participate in decision-making.
  • Celebrating academic and non-academic achievements
  • Providing opportunities to develop a sense of worth through taking responsibility for themselves and others
  • Providing opportunities to reflect.
  • Access to appropriate support that meets pupils and staff needs
  • Ensuring our staff receive appropriate training and support to enable them to work to the best of their abilities and to meet the diverse needs of pupils.



  • The children will be able to talk confidently about not only events in their own lives, but also about the lives of significant others in the past.
  • The children will be able to confidently use sources and artefacts in order to help them develop their historical enquiry skills. 
  • The children will be able to use key vocabulary when talking about significant events from the past and the impact that they had on today’s society.
  • Children will develop key skills in order to help them to reflect and evaluate key events from the past and their significance. 
  • We will be able to see that the children know more and remember in more in History, through evidence in their learning journals and pupil voice. We will also see they are able to recall prior learning and apply it.
  • Children will then start their next year of learning with the necessary skills and knowledge to build upon.