Statutory and all other Policies
- Accessibility Plan V8 - Rev September 2023 2026.pdf
- Admission Arrangments 24 25.pdf
- anaphylaxis-management-procedures-2023 2024.pdf
- asthma-management-procedures-v4 2023 2024.pdf
- attendance-policy-and-procedures-v2-v4-8 Sept 24.pdf
- behaviour-policy-and-procedures-v22-v6 Sept 24.pdf
- British Values and Prevent Statement 2023.pdf
- charging-and-remissions-policy-v11-v2 Dec 24.pdf
- child-on-child-abuse-policy-and-procedures-v9-v4-4 Sept 24 KNIS.pdf
- child-protection-policy-and-procedures-v36-v9-2 SEPT 24 KNIS.pdf
- Complaints Procedure December 2024.pdf
- Data Protection Policy V21 - Sept 2023.pdf
- Equality Policy, Objectives & Action Plan V2 November 2024.pdf
- First Day Calling Procedure and emegency contact form - V5 Sept 2023.pdf
- Freedom of Information Mar 2022 (2).pdf
- Governors Statement of Behaviour Principles V8 September 2023.pdf
- Policy on parental use of social networking and internet sites.pdf
- online-safety-policy-and-procedures-v7-v3.pdf
- Overarching safeguarding statement V15-V5-4 Sept 24 KNIS.pdf
- Privacy Notice GOVERNORS V3 - Sept 2022.pdf
- privacy-notice-for-pupils-parents-v6-v5 Nov 24.pdf
- Privacy Notice STAFF V3 - Sept 2022.pdf
- PSHE RSE Policy November 2024.pdf
- Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy and procedures V3 September 2023.pdf
- Safe Recruitment Selection & Vetting Policy and procedures V17 - Sept 2023.pdf
- snow clearance
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy V14 - Sept 2023.pdf
- Suspension-and-permanent-exclusion-policy-and-procedures-v5-v4-3 Sept 2024.pdf
- Whistleblowing Procedure (V3) - September 2024.pdf