EYFS Overview
Curriculum Development
In Nursery and Reception we use CUSP as our curriculum framework which identifies the knowledge we want children to know and remember. Our children build knowledge over the Nursery and Reception years to ensure they are ready to progress through the KS1 curriculum. Broad links are then shown on the Trees of Learning as an overview for parents to see coverage and how learning it built upon.
This planning framework links to the Statutory Framework for the EYFS. All areas of learning and development and their respective aspects as well as the three characteristics of effective teaching and learning form the basis of the curriculum
The CUSP Early Foundations offer is presented in three parts:
1. Foundational knowledge: what pupils should know and be able to do throughout the EYFS and how this will support their development and prepare them for success in Key Stage 1 and beyond
2. Opportunities and experiences: how this foundational knowledge can be learnt through play and through guided activities that will allow pupils to explore, experiment with and think hard about new and important concepts
3. Structured Story Time: core texts that will introduce key language, ideas and themes that pupils will need to access the foundational knowledge, built into a framework that uses all that we know about effective literacy instruction
We also use specific schemes as an overall framework for subject areas:
Read Write Inc: Reading and Phonics
White Rose: Maths mastery
Amaven for PE: This includes home access for parents to see children's progress and assessments
Discovery RE: Religious Education
Jigsaw: PHSE
Purple Mash: Computing
ORAL Health in the EYFS
Oral health is woven though our curriculum ensuring that children are given opportunities to learn about good teeth brushing, healthy eating and develop the physical skills needed to brush teeth.
EYFS Curriculum Map Overview